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Race horse search results for Jose Elias Rodriguez'

RACE 2 @ 8:25PM

Race 2 Finished

Winning Results
1stNo.1Exclusively Noble
2ndNo.2Gormley Gal
#2 - Gormley Gal
ODDS: 9-2
Jockey: Jose Elias Rodriguez
TRAINER: Hilario Perez

RACE 4 @ 9:15PM

Race 4 Finished

Winning Results
1stNo.2Too Tall to Call
2ndNo.5Beer Begone
3rdNo.4Tribunal Love
#2 - Too Tall to Call
ODDS: 4-1
Jockey: Jose Elias Rodriguez
TRAINER: Bruno Maelfeyt

RACE 5 @ 9:40PM

Race 5 Finished

Winning Results
1stNo.3Distinctive Deb
2ndNo.7Teaspoon of Pepper
3rdNo.2Clippervile Girl
#7 - Teaspoon of Pepper
ODDS: 9-2
Jockey: Jose Elias Rodriguez
TRAINER: Bruno Maelfeyt

RACE 6 @ 10:05PM

Race 6 Finished

Winning Results
1stNo.4Derby Boy
2ndNo.3Prime Time Porta
3rdNo.6Lord of Light
#2 - Tavernelle
ODDS: 8-5
Jockey: Jose Elias Rodriguez
TRAINER: Tiffani McDevitt

Jockey search results for "Jose Elias Rodriguez" on 2024-09-16.
